14241 SW 120 ST Suite #107
Miami, FL 33186
Paralysis Recovery

Customizing a Recovery Program for Neuro Rehab in Miami

Neurorehabilitation is a crucial way to optimize the recovery of patients following an SCI, TBI, stroke, or any other disease or injury that affects the central nervous system. In today’s article, we will address how you can customize your recovery program. We will conclude by encouraging those who need neuro rehab in Miami to check out our facility. Let’s get started!

Who Will Benefit the Most from Neurorehabilitation?

As we’ve already mentioned, neuro rehab is for people recovering from an injury that affects the central nervous system. It is also appropriate for patients with a disease that causes neurological problems. Here is a short list of some injuries and conditions that might lead a person to seek out neuro rehab.  

  • Spinal cord injury
  • Traumatic brain injury 
  • Stroke
  • Meningitis, encephalitis, or another infection that impacts the CNS
  • Parkinson’s disease, Bell palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome, ALS, multiple sclerosis, or another degenerative neuromuscular disorder

Planning Ahead to Meet Individual Needs 

Clearly, the same program will not be appropriate for every person experiencing one of the conditions listed above. In fact, the degree of injury or severity of the disease can also significantly impact the critical care. Therefore, your neuro recovery program may include some or all of the following therapies and treatments. 

  • Physical therapy, including activity-based therapy 
  • Occupational therapy 
  • Speech therapy 
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Psychological or vocational counseling 

Involving Your Entire Family in the Recovery Process 

Feeling like you have to bear the burden of recovering from your illness or injury all alone may actually slow recovery times or limit progress. Neuro rehab is a team effort that includes more than just the patient and the staff at the rehabilitation facility. Family and other close friends play an essential role. Working together as a team optimizes results for the patient and may maximize a person’s independence following care.

Finding the Right Facility for Neuro Rehabilitation  

Now that you know who neuro rehab is for and what types of care may be required, you can begin to search for a compatible facility that meets your needs. Suppose you are dealing with a degree of paralysis. In that case, you will want to recover at a state-of-the-art facility that provides you with the best odds of rapid recovery combined with optimal functional recovery. Therefore, you want to look for the following:

  • A focus of care on your particular trauma or disease – While most facilities will treat any patient in need of neuro recovery, try to determine if the rehabilitation center has experience with patients whose circumstances are similar to yours. 
  • A mix of traditional and modern therapies – You may not be able to receive all of your treatment under one roof. For example, most physical therapy facilities do not also offer cognitive behavioral therapy. However, you want to be able to take care of as much of your recovery as you can with as few providers as possible. A rehab center that blends a mix of traditional and modern therapies will allow you to get the best care. Activity-based therapy is the gold standard for neuro rehab.
  • A team effort – Ensure your facility will work with your other doctors and therapists and family members or close friends that you choose to have as a part of your recovery journey. 
  • A focus on independence – The goal of your neurorehabilitation should be to help you regain as much of your independence as possible. This can include helping you to restore as much strength, range of motion, and function as possible. It may also involve helping you to navigate day-to-day activities in a new way. 

The Best Center for Your Neuro Rehab in Miami 

At iAM ABLE, we meet and exceed all the criteria you want in your rehabilitation center. We provide the perfect blend of traditional and modern therapies. Additionally, our experience extends to many types of injuries and diseases that can cause paralysis and other neurological issues. You can enjoy conventional physical therapy techniques right alongside functional electrical stimulation and Lokomat therapy.  

That is another thing that sets iAM ABLE apart. We are the only location for neuro rehab in Miami (or anywhere in southern Florida, for that matter) offering Lokomat therapy. This gait training machine is a perfect form of activity-based therapy to encourage neuroplasticity. So it is optimal for patients dealing with some degree of paralysis and who are trying to restore function or retrain themselves to walk with a more natural gait. 

We also understand that learning to do things a new way of battling through a long and arduous rehabilitation can be mentally challenging. That is why we are proud to offer our eBook, 7 Unbelievably Important Steps to Take to Thrive after Paralysis. It helps to prepare you for the challenges and successes of recovery as well as life in general when you live with paralysis caused by an injury or disease.

When a condition or trauma causes a person to require neuro rehabilitation, there are many emotions to work through. The sooner you accept your new reality, the faster you will be able to take control and work toward thriving rather than just surviving.  We hope this book will help the millions of people living with paralysis across America. And we look forward to helping those in the Miami area to reach their recovery goals.

Grab our free e-book 7 Unbelievably Important Steps to Take to THRIVE after Paralysis by clicking the image below.

Neuro Rehab in Miami


iAM ABLE focuses on helping clients reclaim their lives by providing intense, exercise based health and fitness programs designed to increase function...

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All material published by iAM ABLE, including its website, and third-party information, is for informational purposes only. iAM ABLE encourages clients and readers to confirm information. Clients and/or readers should review information with their health care provider. iAM ABLE will not be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages from such information.
Copyright © iAM ABLE, iAM ABLE is a DBA of MIAMI SCI WELLNESS, INC. which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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